6 The list of keywords and the reviewed literature

In our search for relevant literature, we used the following keywords:

Prices, affordability, National Policy Statement, Rural urban boundary, supply elasticity, demand elasticity, supply elasticity, infrastructure, development, growth, property, stock, regulation, greenfield, Loan-to-valuation-ratio (LVR). We use these keywords alongside in conjunction with overarching keywords related to our primary topic in our literature discovery. The overarching keywords include ‘New Zealand’, ‘Auckland’, ‘National Policy Plan’, ‘housing’, ‘house’, ‘property’, ‘urban’ and ‘market(s)’.

Impacts of the factors of supply

  Author and title Date
1 PwC. Cost - benefit analysis for a National Policy Statement on Urban Development. 2020
2 ANZ Research. New Zealand Property Focus December 2020: Housing affordability - unlocking the 2020
3 Grimes, A. Impacts of Land Availability, Housing Supply and Planning Infrastructure on New Zealand House Prices. 36 2007
4 MRCagney, Covec & Beca. Cost benefit analysis of policy options for a National Policy Statement on Urban Development. 2016
5 Saiz, A. The Geographic Determinants of Housing Supply*. Q. J. Econ. 125, 1253–1296 2010
6 Hyslop, D. R., Le, T., Maré, D., Stillman, S. & Motu. Housing markets and migration – Evidence from New Zealand. 45 2019
7 Nunns, P. The causes and economic consequences of rising regional housing prices in New Zealand. N. Z. Econ. Pap. 55, 66–104 2019

Impact of regulations

  Author and title Date
1 Lees, K. Quantifying the costs of land use regulation: evidence from New Zealand. N. Z. Econ. Pap. 53, 245–269 2019
2 Glaeser, E. L. & Gyourko, J. The Impact of Building Restrictions on Housing Affordability. 19 2003
3 Lees, K. Quantifying the impact of land use regulation: Evidence from New Zealand » The Hub. 2017
4 Norman, D., Martin, S. & Auckland Council Chief Economist Unit. Please, Sir, I want some more. 2021
5 PwC. Cost - benefit analysis for a National Policy Statement on Urban Development. 2020
6 MRCagney, Covec & Beca. Cost benefit analysis of policy options for a National Policy Statement on Urban Development. 2016
7 Cooper, G. C. K. & Namit, K. City with a billion dollar view. N. Z. Econ. Pap. 55, 19–37 2021
8 Grimes, A. & Aitken, A. Housing Supply, Land Costs and Price Adjustment: Housing Supply, Land Costs and Price Adjustment. Real Estate Econ. 38, 325–353 2006
9 Greenaway-McGrevy, R. Land Use Regulation, the Redevelopment Premium and House Prices. 2018
10 Parker, C. Housing supply, choice and affordability: Trends, economic drivers, and possible policy interventions. 2015
11 Bertaud, A. Markets, urban planning planning and local democracy. 2014
12 Grimes, A. & Mitchell, I. Impacts of Planning Rules, Regulations, Uncertainty and Delay on Residential Property Development. SSRN Electron. J. 2015
13 Cavalleri, M. C., Cournède, B., Özsöğüt, E. & OECD. How responsive are housing markets in the OECD? National level estimates. vol. 1589 2019
14 Mayer, C. J. & Somerville, C. T. Land use regulation and new construction. Reg. Sci. Urban Econ. 30, 639–662 2000
15 Productivity Commission. Housing affordability inquiry: March 2012. 2012
16 Parker, C. AMM modelling of uncompetitive urban land markets. 2021
17 Grimes, A. & Liang, Y. Spatial Determinants of Land Prices: Does Auckland’s Metropolitan Urban Limit Have an Effect? Appl. Spat. Anal. Policy 2, 23–45 2009
18 MBIE & MfE. National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity - Price efficiency indicators technical report: Rural-urban differentials. 75 2017
19 Martin, S. L. & Norman, D. S. Does the Rural Urban Boundary impose a price premium on land inside it? 2020
20 Zheng, G. & Productivity Comission. The Effect of Auckland’s Metropolitan Urban Limit on Land Prices. 23 2013
21 Torshizian, E. Are We Limiting Regional Development by Imposing Planning Permissions? in 2015
22 Bassett, M., Malpass, L., & New Zealand Initiative (Organisation). Priced out: how New Zealand lost its housing affordability. 2020
23 Fernandez, M. A., RIMU, & Auckland Council. Better together?: wetlands, parks and housing prices in Auckland. 2020
24 Kallergis, A. et al. Housing Affordability in a Global Perspective. 2018
25 Torshizian, E. Impact of urban expansions on relative land​ prices​. 20 18
26 Norman, D. & Martin, S. Low density housing close to city centre. 2021
27 Saiz, A. The Geographic Determinants of Housing Supply*. Q. J. Econ. 125, 1253–1296 2010
28 Nunns, P. The causes and economic consequences of rising regional housing prices in New Zealand. N. Z. Econ. Pap. 55, 66–104 2019
29 Ministry for Environment, Reforming the resource management system: Cabinet paper 2020

Impact of the RMA and environmental regulations

  Author and title Date
1 Torshizian, E. Are We Limiting Regional Development by Imposing Planning Permissions? in 2015
2 Nunns, P. The causes and economic consequences of rising regional housing prices in New Zealand. N. Z. Econ. Pap. 55, 66–104 2021
3 Resource Economics, Principal Economics & Sapere. Reforms to the Resource Management System: an analysis of expected impacts on Māori, the housing market and the natural environment. 2021
4 NZIER. Big city life? Challenges and trade-offs for Auckland city. 2014
5 Grimes, A. Understanding Housing Affordability.pdf. 2015
6 MRCagney, Covec & Beca. Cost benefit analysis of policy options for a National Policy Statement on Urban Development. 2016

Availability of infrastructure

  Author and title Date
1 McEwan, E. Will it Really Improve Housing Affordability in New Zealand? 2018
2 Productivity Commission. Better urban planning: Final report. 2017
3 Johnson, A., Howden-Chapman, P. & Eaqub, S. A stocktake of New Zealand’s housing. 2018
4 Brebner, M. Auckland’s Housing Affordability Problem. 2014
5 Grimes, A. & Liang, Y. Spatial Determinants of Land Prices: Does Auckland’s Metropolitan Urban Limit Have an Effect? 2009
6 Martin, S. L. & Norman, D. S. Does the Rural Urban Boundary impose a price premium on land inside it? 2020
7 Bassett, M., Malpass, L., & New Zealand Initiative (Organisation). Priced out: how New Zealand lost its housing affordability. 2020
8 Skidmore, M. Housing Affordability: Lessons from the United States. 2014
9 Albouy, D. What are Cities Worth? Land Rents, Local Productivity, and the Capitalization of Amenity Values. Natl. Bur. Econ. Res. 2009
10 Grimes, A. & Mitchell, I. Impacts of Planning Rules, Regulations, Uncertainty and Delay on Residential Property Development. SSRN Electron. J. 2015
11 Productivity Commission. Housing affordability inquiry: March 2012. 2012
12 MRCagney, Covec & Beca. Cost benefit analysis of policy options for a National Policy Statement on Urban Development. 2016
13 BERL. Business land availability and assessment methodologies. A report for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment and the Ministry for the Environment. 2016
14 Parker, C. Housing supply, choice and affordability: Trends, economic drivers, and possible policy interventions. 2015
15 Principal Economics. Economic Impact of Efficient Infrastructure Decisions. 2021
16 Reddell, M., Sleeman, C. & RBNZ. Some perspectives on past recessions. 2008

Supply chains and the construction costs

  Author and title Date
1 Productivity Commission. Housing affordability inquiry: March 2012. 2012
2 Bassett, M., Malpass, L., & New Zealand Initiative (Organisation). Priced out: how New Zealand lost its housing affordability. 2020
3 Johnson, A., Howden-Chapman, P. & Eaqub, S. A stocktake of New Zealand’s housing. 2018
4 Denne, T., Nunns, P., Wright, L., Donovan, P. & MRCagney. Signals of Under-Capacity: the practicalities of monitoring Price Signals under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity. 2016
5 Parker, C. Housing supply, choice and affordability: Trends, economic drivers, and possible policy interventions. 2015
6 Grimes, A. Impacts of Land Availability, Housing Supply and Planning Infrastructure on New Zealand House Prices. 36 2007
7 Samarasinghe, D. A. S. Building Materials Supply Chains: An Evaluative Study of the New Zealand Residential Consturction. 2014
8 Skidmore, M. Housing Affordability: Lessons from the United States. 29 2014
9 Brebner, M. Auckland’s Housing Affordability Problem. 35 2014
10 Grimes, A. & Aitken, A. What’s the Beef with House Prices? Economic Shocks and Local Housing Markets. 29 2004
11 Reddell, M., Sleeman, C. & RBNZ. Some perspectives on past recessions. 71, 17 2008


  Author and title Date
1 Robinson, M., Scobie, G. M. & Hallinan, B. Affordability of Housing: Concepts, Measurement and Evidence. 51 2006
2 Bull, G. § Housing Choice. 2003
3 Urban Reform Institute. Demographia International Housing Affordability 2021 Edition. 16 2021
4 Torshizian, E. Effects of Crowding, Density and Deprivation on Residential Satisfaction. 286 2017
5 Grimes, A. & Aitken, A. Housing Supply, Land Costs and Price Adjustment: Housing Supply, Land Costs and Price Adjustment. Real Estate Econ. 38, 325–353 2006
6 Torshizian, E. & Meade, R. Estimating demand for competition analysis. 34 2020
7 Khaled, M. & NZIER. New Zealand’s love affair with houses and cars. 2005
8 Torshizian, E. Affordability Decompositions for Auckland. 25 2016
9 Reddell, M., Sleeman, C. & RBNZ. Some perspectives on past recessions. 71, 17 2008

Monetary policy and mortgage rates

  Author and title Date
1 Denne, T., Nunns, P., Wright, L., Donovan, P. Signals of Under-Capacity: the practicalities of monitoring Price Signals under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity. Covec Ltd. 2016
2 Parker, C. Housing supply, choice and affordability: Trends, economic drivers, and possible policy interventions. 2015
3 Torshizian, E. Affordability Decompositions for Auckland. 25 2016
4 Koveshnikova, O. Determinants and Dynamics of New Zealand Housing Prices: National- and Regional- Level Analyses. 68 2017
5 Grimes, A. & Aitken, A. What’s the Beef with House Prices? Economic Shocks and Local Housing Markets. 29 2004
6 Fraser, P. & McAlevey, L. New Zealand regional house prices and macroeconomic shocks. J. Prop. Res. 32, 279–300 2015
7 Productivity Commission. Housing affordability inquiry: March 2012. 2012
8 Shi, S. Monthly House Price Indices and Their Applications in New Zealand. 12 2009
9 Shi, S., Jou, J.-B. & Tripe, D. Policy Rate, Mortgage Rate and Housing Prices: Evidence from New Zealand. 51 2013
10 Thorns, D. Housing booms and changes to New Zealand housing affordability: the policy challenge. J. Asian Public Policy 2, 171–189 2009
11 Yang, Y. & Rehm, M. Housing prices and speculation dynamics: a study of Auckland housing market. J. Prop. Res. 1–19 2021
12 Murphy, L. The global financial crisis and the Australian and New Zealand housing markets. J. Hous. Built Environ. 26, 335–351 2011
13 Parker, C. AMM modelling of uncompetitive urban land markets. 2021
14 Armstrong, J., Skilling, H. & Yao, F. Loan-to-value ratio restrictions and house prices: Micro evidence from New Zealand. J. Hous. Econ. 44, 88–98 2019

Population and migration

  Author and title Date
1 Badcock, B. Global exposure and Auckland’s housing market1. Urban Policy Res. 22, 59–68 2004
2 PCE. Submission on the proposed National Policy Statements on Urban Development and Highly Productive Land. 2019
3 Koveshnikova, O. Determinants and Dynamics of New Zealand Housing Prices: National- and Regional- Level Analyses. 68 2017
4 Johnson, A., Howden-Chapman, P. & Eaqub, S. A stocktake of New Zealand’s housing. 2018
5 Coleman, A. & Landon-Lane, J. Housing Markets and Migration in New Zealand, 1962-2006. 62 2007
6 Stillman, S. & Maré, D. C. Housing Markets and Migration: Evidence from New Zealand. 2008
7 Maré, D. C., Grimes, A. & Morten, M. Adjustment in local labour and housing markets. 2009
8 Ge, X. J. Determinants of House Prices in New Zealand. Pac. Rim Prop. Res. J. 15, 90–121 2009
9 Chanpiwat, N. Estimating the impact of immigration on housing prices and housing affordability in New Zealand. 38 2013
10 McDonald, C. & RBNZ. Migration and the housing market. 20 2013
11 Hyslop, D. R., Le, T., Maré, D., Stillman, S. & Motu. Housing markets and migration – Evidence from New Zealand. 45 2019
12 Nunns, P. The causes and economic consequences of rising regional housing prices in New Zealand. N. Z. Econ. Pap. 55, 66–104 2019
13 Reddell, M., Sleeman, C. & RBNZ. Some perspectives on past recessions. 71, 17 2008

Household size

  Author and title Date
1 Torshizian, E. & Grimes, A. Household Crowding Measures: A Comparison and External Test of Validity. J. Happiness Stud. 22, 1925–1951 2020
2 Productivity Commission. Housing affordability inquiry: March 2012. 2012
3 Denne, T., Nunns, P., Wright, L., Donovan, P. & MRCagney. Signals of Under-Capacity: the practicalities of monitoring Price Signals under the National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity. 160 2016
4 Badcock, B. Global exposure and Auckland’s housing market1. Urban Policy Res. 22, 59–68 2004
5 Goodyear, R. K. & Stats NZ. Housing in Aotearoa, 2020. 2020
6 Morrison, P. & Torshizian, E. Demographics and the compact city. Presented to NZ Association of Economists conference, Wellington, July. 2017
7 Torshizian, E. Effects of Crowding, Density and Deprivation on Residential Satisfaction. 286 2017

Availability of finance

  Author and title Date
1 Badcock, B. Global exposure and Auckland’s housing market1. Urban Policy Res. 22, 59–68 2004
2 Greenaway-Mcgrevy, R. & Phillips, P. C. B. Hot property in New Zealand: Empirical evidence of housing bubbles in the metropolitan centres. 35 2016
3 Murphy, L. ‘Houston, we’ve got a problem’: The Political Construction of a Housing Affordability Metric in New Zealand. Hous. Stud. 29, 893–909 2014
4 Murphy, L. The global financial crisis and the Australian and New Zealand housing markets. J. Hous. Built Environ. 26, 335–351 2011
5 Bassett, M., Malpass, L. Priced out: how New Zealand lost its housing affordability. New Zealand Initiative. 2020
6 NZIER. The home affordability challenge. 2014

Tax policy, housing subsidies and other interventions

  Author and title Date
1 Yang, Y. & Rehm, M. Housing prices and speculation dynamics: a study of Auckland housing market. J. Prop. Res. 1–19 2021
2 Coleman, A. & Grimes, A. Fiscal, Distributional and Efficiency Impacts of Land and Property Taxes. 72 2009
3 Bassett, M., Malpass, L., & New Zealand Initiative (Organisation). Priced out: how New Zealand lost its housing affordability. 2020
4 Price, G. How has the LVR restriction affected the housing market: a counterfactual analysis. Reserve Bank N. Z. Anal. Note Ser. 20 2014
5 Armstrong, J., Skilling, H. & Yao, F. Loan-to-value ratio restrictions and house prices: Micro evidence from New Zealand. J. Hous. Econ. 44, 88–98 2019
6 New Zealand Tax Working Group. Future of tax: final report. 2019