Business case approach

Developing a fit-for-purpose and evidence base investment proposal

We use Business Case Approach (BCA) to guide planning and investments.

Our team uses Waka Kotahi's Business Case Approach (BCA) to develop business cases based on a robust and principle based approach. By applying the priciple of BCA we make sure that business cases are fit-for-purpose and demonstrate value for money. We develope business cases that: 1) are outcome focused, 2) have meaningful collaboration with the stakeholders, 3) provide a robust and evidence based investment case.

See Also

  • RLTDM provides a useful framework relevant to the current policy discussion

Relevant Experience
  • Shaping Future Dunedin Transport Programme Business Case
  • Tāmaki Precinct Programme Business Case
  • National Stock Effluent Disposal Program Business case
  • Northern Pathway (Akoranga to Constellation) Single Stage Business Case