Sustainable transport

Second Emission Budget

Economic, environmental, and social impacts

The Government commissioned us

to analyse the impact of ERP2 and

sensitivity test various policy assumptions

ESG planning with confidence using our extensive assessment of the government policies

What impact will the emission budget have on your company’s performance? How will it affect your supply chain, operational costs, and market opportunities? Are your ESG measures aligned with the broader economic and regulatory changes shaping New Zealand’s transition to a low-emission economy? Our latest report investigated the economic, environmental and social impacts of the […]

10 December 2024

Uneven Roads: Addressing the Inconsistencies in Local Road Valuation Across New Zealand

This article identifies and evaluates possible methodologies for estimating the capital value of New Zealand’s local road network. Local councils and central government agencies could use the findings to address the current inconsistencies in valuation approaches and enable better-informed decision-making for local road investment, maintenance, and user charges. The outputs will improve our understanding of […]

10 October 2024

VKT Dashboard

This household and regional VKT dashboard showcases the power of using frontier data manipulation methods and granular IDI data.

1 October 2024

Economic impact analysis

Estimate the impact of your activities using our extensive economic assessment frameworks We provide independent economic impact analysis to evaluate the impacts of a project, program or policy on regions, demographic groups, industry or the wider economy.

Economic research

We offer independent review of highly sensitive and technically complex issues. The team at Principal Economics have been involved in a wide range of critical policy and analytical analyses, including development of cost benefit analysis framework development, distributional effect analysis, literature review and policy assessment

Market analysis

Our team of economists help you to understand the demand for your services/products within the wider market. Principal Economics provides insight to the trend of the market and how your investment affect economic outcomes, including labour markets, economic productivity.

Macroeconomic consulting

In the rapidly changing global economy, it is increasingly essential to have a comprehensive understanding of macroeconomic dynamics and conduct a robust analysis of the economic environment to make informed strategic decisions.

Cost benefit analysis

Making decisions in uncertain times needs precise understanding of the costs and benefits. We can assist by identifying fiscal, economic and wellbeing benefits from your investment decision or policy intervention.

Forecasting and modelling

Principal Economics have developed a wide range of robust frontier economic evaluation frameworks to assist with your planning for future investments using best available data.

Business case

We have experience working on the different types of business cases – programme business cases, indicative business cases, detailed business cases and single stage business cases.

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